The Untold Truth Of David And Goliath

Not much is said about Goliath in the Bible. We know that he's a champion of the Philistines, sort of the Decepticons to the Old Testament's Israelites. 1 Samuel 17 states that he hailed from the citystate of Gath, a region theorized to have existed in the middle of modern day Israel.

As stories tend to do, this tale changed as time went on. When the story first started circulating, Goliath wasn't described as particularly massive. He's never referred to as a "giant" in the text, despite references to big unfriendly abominations like the Nephelim in Genesis. His height is given at "six cubits and a span," or around nine and a half feet tall, but scholars have pointed out that older descriptions found in the Dead Sea Scrolls put him at four cubits and a span. That's about six foot nine — not the size of an Avengers-level threat, but definitely tall enough that people would ask if he played basketball.

In point of fact, the Bible doesn't make a huge deal about Goliath's size at all. Samuel only brings it up once, and spends more time describing what the big guy's armor and spear were made out of. David, while chastising King Saul and his soldiers for not stabbing the Philistine champion to death, mentions that Goliath is uncircumcised twice, but never brings up his physical stature. The big guy should've been grateful that it was just his head that got chopped off at the end of the story.
