Inside Dennis Rodman's Estranged Relationship With His Father

Dennis Rodman was born May 13, 1961, in Trenton, New Jersey, according to Britannica. As Jet reports, Dennis' father, Philander Rodman Jr., left the family when Dennis was 3 years old. The Air Force veteran, who had served in the Vietnam War, ran off with another woman. When Dennis started getting big, the press took an interest in his (Dennis') father, and suddenly Philander, who by this time was running a bar in the Philippines, was something of a celebrity. "I hope he'll understand one day [why I abandoned the family] ... I hope he'll come around," he said of Dennis.

Dennis, for his part, wasn't feeling it. "I haven't seen my father in more than 30 years, so what's there to miss?" he asked rhetorically. "Some man brought me into this world. That doesn't mean I have a father," he said.

Philander Rodman was, like his son, quite the character in his own way. He had 27 children by four different wives and some women to whom he wasn't married; Dennis, perhaps hyperbolically, would claim that he was one of 47 children sired by his father, as NBC Sports reported. As The Daily Caller reported, at one time Philander owned a restaurant in Manila called "Rodman's Rainbow Obamaburger."
